Thursday, February 26, 2015

My Girls Christmas Christmas 2014
Once upon a time, a long time ago there was a young woman who longed to have a baby, and have a baby she did.  She was so happy.  She took such pride in joy in her role as Mama, and did everything she thought was best, and that included homeschool. My husband and I were so thrilled.
Megan and me, Christmas 2005
Homeschool started officially when Megan was just about two, for an hour or so a day and by the time she was ready to start Kindergarten, homeschooling seemed as natural as parenting.  And so the homeschooling continued.  I loved being a homeschool mom.
Megan and Sadao, in the new house awaiting the new rug, November 2010
It continued year after year, through good times and bad, and eventually this little family moved to Virginia where they were so happy.  They gained a dog and about 5 acres of land and a small little house. Our house in Virginia was much smaller than the house in Baltimore, but since it was just the 3 of us, we didn't really mind, plus we decided that eventually we'd either rebuild or add on.  

Megan and Alannah Grace, October 2012
And then the most amazing thing happened.  After 14 miscarriages in a row, we were given a beautiful baby girl.  We were really excited.  It was such a miracle, and we could not possibly have been happier.  Our lilttle family had grown and we had 2 precious little girls. 

Awaiting the arrival of Nadia, January 2014

Shocked, was not even the word for it.  Never in a million years did we imagine TWO babies in our 40's WITH a teenager, but that's how God works.  In HIS time, which is always impeccable.

Halloween 2014
  And that's how we became a family of 5, in a really little house.  The babies share a room, and meg has her own room, meanwhile we have one living area/family room and our dining room table is in the breakfast nook and it's always really squooshed ... but really, I couldn't be happier (unless we were in a really big house.   No really, I'd LOVE a bigger house.  But hey -- I am in want for nothing, so I'm not about to complain. 

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